Methods of Giving
For questions about contribution methods, contact Joe Casimir: bookkeeper@fcsusa.org
Donations by check
Please note new address effective Ocotber 24, 2024
Contributions made by check should be mailed to:
The Fund for Christian Service
208 Lenox Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
"Bill pay" and ACH deductions from your bank
To send funds directly from your banking institution to The Fund for Christian Service, you can use your bank's "bill payment" option. Use the mailing address above.
You may also fill in, print, and mail an ACH debit form.
Use this form to set up regular, automatic contributions on any schedule that is best for you.
Online donations by credit card or PayPal
The Fund for Christian Service uses the secure donation processing provided through PayPal.
Please note that, as with any credit card transactions, contributions made this way are subject to third-party processing fees.
PayPal deducts a fee of 2.2% plus an additional 30 cents per transaction. From a gift of $100, a deduction of $2.20 plus 30 cents more yields an actual contribution of $97.50.
Every gift is appreciated! Credit card giving is provided as a convenience for situations that require it.
However, in other situations, you may prefer to maximize your donation by sending a check or using one of the automated banking solutions above ("bill pay" or ACH deductions).
Non-cash gifts
You may own things that you no longer need, but they still have value and could be used directly in some area of the Lord's work. Perhaps these could be put to a good use now rather than being a liability for you. FCS can receive gifts of:
coin and stamp collections
insurance policies that are no longer needed (depending on type)
and so on. We are willing to consider any gift of value. Sometimes we can get items directly to a needy person/project; at other times, we can sell the items and distribute the proceeds. Please discuss a special gift with us before donating it to FCS.
For US donors, appreciated items like stocks and personal property can be valuable gifts and may cost you less than giving cash. You can avoid paying capital gains on the increased value of the gift and get a tax deduction for the full market value. You may wish to sell depreciated items on your own and take whatever capital losses are available before giving the proceeds. Contact us for the best ways to give such items. [Note: FCS does not provide certified financial advice; you may wish to consult your tax advisor before making a contribution.]
Wills and trusts
You may remember FCS in a will or trust by advising your attorney of your wishes when you prepare or update those documents. Please be sure to list our proper name, including the Cranbury, NJ, address above. You may specify either a set amount or a percentage of your estate. We will be happy to provide specific details for you.
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the state of Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352)
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