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Needs in the Work of Our Lord
Updated January 2025

Following is a list of some of the needs in the work of our Lord which are known to us. The extent of the needs though is often not fully known.

+ Additional and updated details are available in the Missionary Bulletin and other correspondence. This is not a complete list, and we may not know of changes in various works. To learn more about these and other needs, please feel free to contact us with specific questions. Financial support for these and other needs may be sent to:

The Fund for Christian Service
208 Lenox Avenue #337
Westfield, NJ 07090


Latest reports:
• Uganda - Motorcycles are needed for use in the Lord's work in hard-to-visit villages.
• Chad - Cameroonian brethren are traveling to Chad to help with the work at the Bible Center there. As far as the brethren themselves are concerned, the costs of living and traveling are considerable. In their poverty, they cannot meet these costs themselves.
• Madagascar - The assemblies are multiplying; there are about 50 assemblies, but they need to be spiritually strengthened.
• DRC - The 25 national workers need regular support to continue visiting various regions. Their motorbikes or bicycles need to be replaced every couple of years.
• Kenya, NE Congo, and Rwanda - there is a felt need for systematic Bible studies in each of these countries.
• S. Sudan - there is a great need for teachers of the Word of God in this country.
• Cameroon - the meetings in the southern part are small and need regular visits of at least 8 to 10 days to encourage the saints. Pray that the Lord will provide brethren and practical support for such visits.

Prior reports:
• Uganda - has a great need for regular teaching about Assembly principles.
• Ethiopia - practical help and prayer support are needed for every aspect of the Lord's work in the gospel, pastoral, and teaching ministry.
• Expenses for traveling brethren from Rwanda and surrounding countries into Malawi and Tanzania.
• Kenya - brother Muigai (Mombasa) and brother Cosmas (Kangudo) need help with traveling expenses in order to increase their labor for the Lord.
• Tunisia - a hunger for the Truth, an interest in Assembly principles and a desire to learn more from the Bible characterize the new believers in this country.

Other needs:
• Full-time workers and those in various ministries in the USA and Canada
• Support of missionaries and national workers in many of the third world countries


Latest reports:
• Nigeria - The Lord brought many brethren to the conference in Eket, despite the fact that travel is both difficult and expensive. The cost of fuel has increased over 7 times in the past few years (after the government removed the fuel subsidy) which makes even riding a motorbike expensive.
• Kenya - Many of the brothers in Mwambo are currently unemployed and are in need of our prayers.
• Malawi - The devaluation of the national currency by 44% produced a spike in the price of gasoline, electricity, water, seeds, fertilizer and other goods, just before the planting season.
• Cameroon - Due to a severe drought, the early harvest of millet has been unsuccessful, and recently due to large areas of farmland being flooded, much of the second harvest of millet this year has been ruined. This has caused great poverty and hunger among the saints in several places.
• DRC - Due to the large number of refugees and the long duration of their stay at the Mputu Bible Conference Center, there is a shortage of drinking water and diseases arise because the sanitary facilities are not adequate. Special funds for this purpose are most welcome, designating them as "building funds Mputu."
• Myanmar - Due to civil war, the overall situation in the country continues to deteriorate. The orphanage in Yangon has electricity for only one hour each day, which means that there is no running water. They are trying to dig a well. Also, medical supplies, and in particular anti-malaria medication, are needed by the hill tribes in northeast Myanmar.
• Ethiopia - The cost of living has risen dramatically over the past few years. In general, salaries are unable to keep up with the rising costs and the saints have great difficulty in making ends meet.

Prior reports:
• Ukraine - Due to the nefarious war started when Russia invaded Ukraine, and the relentless bombing of infrastructure for the past 3+ years, the saints here are in great need of the basics of life: shelter, food, water, medical help, etc.
• Nigeria - The saints continue to have great needs. Inflation remains a significant problem, and many of the brethren are facing financial challenges, especially in the South-South.
• North East Congo - there is a continuing need for clothes for all seasons and all ages. Also, given the extreme poverty in DRC, there is a great need for medicine, healthcare, eyeglasses and food stuff. There is a need of funds to set up small-scale farming projects to help believers in the villages around Goma and Mambasa.
• Haiti - A number of saints have been left destitute by an earlier earthquake and a more recent hurricane. They are hard workers, they help each other, however, their jobs do not pay enough to cover their needs.
• Philippines - many brethren have little or no work.
• Gabon - widowed sister Annick (with 2 small children) lost her husband to cancer after their house was burned down because her husband faithfully resisted wrongs in the local assembly.
• Nigeria - the wife of brother James (a mother of 4) suffered broken bones and severe burns in a minibus accident. One of her lower legs was amputated and the wounds have not healed even after 9 months.
• N. Sudan - widows Narjis (with 9 children) and Samiria (with 7 children) need help to purchase food and to meet school expenses.
• S. Sudan - The saints are in great poverty and could use: Audio Bibles, bicycles, medicines, sorghum, blankets, tents and clothing.
• South Central DRC - a number of ill or poor brethren have ongoing medical needs in the Mbuji Maya region.
• Syria - due to the on-going civil war, the saints face great needs daily.
• Nigeria - Brother Alex and his wife from Ifako earn their living from washing and ironing. They urgently need a generator as the city's power supply is totally unreliable.
• Nigeria - Hardships are noticeable in all the meetings due to the soaring inflation. It is no longer possible to satisfy local needs with the means of local collections. While Siegfried Nick and Meik Eckhardt were able to distribute gifts to the needs of the saints during one of their visits there, this is likely to be required again in the foreseeable future.
• Nigeria - due to the huge 50% devaluation of the Nira recently, all saints have fallen on hard times. Some unexpected gifts, distributed by Siegfried Nick and Meik Eckhardt during their recent visit there, were greatly appreciated by the brethren.
• DRC - prices for basic foods (i.e. rice, manioc, beans and oil) have doubled or tripled in just a few weeks' time.
• Nigeria - Paul Agoudavi's wife needs surgical intervention costing more than $1000 in Lagos, without the certainty that it will be done in satisfactory conditions.

Other needs:
• Remember the Widows, aged, and other needy saints worldwide
• Asia: India, persecuted and displaced saints; Bhutan/Nepal, refugees displaced into other countries
• Africa: Cameroon, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Sudan, Togo, others
• Caribbean: Haiti and other countries
• South America: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, others


Latest reports:
• Malawi - At the Children Care Center in Lilongwe, about twenty children (daily) receive simple Bible teaching, and lessons in a few subjects. The children come from broken families and need a lot of care, attention and love.
• DRC - Many staff members of our Christian schools are poorly paid although they do more when compared to the work done in the State schools. Some of our teachers were tempted to leave and receive higher pay elsewhere, and one teacher did leave. We have to try and increase the monthly salaries of our teachers.
• Cameroon - The brethren desire to open a primary school near Yaounde. The Lord has graciously provided for a suitable tract of land 2 years ago, but the means to clear this land and to erect several buildings on it are lacking.

Prior reports:
• Assist with school work in Benin, Cameroon, Congo, DRC, Egypt, India, and Nigeria.
• Cameroon - During a recent visit, the Dutch brethren were able to provide some financial help to several families in the north of the country, for the necessary school supplies, school uniforms, and especially for the school fees, which often surpass by far the possibilities of these families.
• DRC - In 2018, the Government has doubled the school fees as well as the final exam fees for primary school pupils. In towns and cities you will find parents who are able to pay this increased expense, but in the countryside, many of our pupils would be unable to go to school without financial help.
• Help with orphanage work in Bahamas, Cameroon, Myanmar, Egypt, India as well as in other countries.


Latest reports:
• Kenya - A young assembly in Busia expressed a need for Bibles in Swahili, since many of the saints do not read English.
• DRC, Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya - With great need for Bibles in English, French, Congo Swahili, and Luganda, along with a demand for literature such as Sunday school teacher's guide on the life of the Lord Jesus (in French); Choosing a Spouse (in various African languages); How to Study the Bible (in Kenya Swahili); a series of 15 tracts in Kinyarwanda and Lhukonzo, the needs are plenty. Please continue to pray for help, guidance, and the Lord's support in this work.
• Uganda - There is a felt need for Luganda Bibles, in central and eastern Uganda, where many of the saints lack the Bible and so many are very poor and cannot afford to purchase a Bible. Spiritual hymnbooks in Luganda are also needed.
• DRC - Due to the soaring inflation, literature work is diminished greatly, and brothers working in bookshops can obtain some income only during calendar season, otherwise, they depend on help from the outside.
• Malawi - Many interested people step into the Lilongwe bookshop and the requests for Bibles and spiritual literature is overwhelming.
• Nigeria - The bookstores need reference books and commentaries. There is also a need for good children's literature and Bible story books.
• Cuba - There is an interest here to receive and even to print literature from Argentina.

Prior reports:
• Congo - there are needs for French hymnbooks and other literature in the Kasai area.
• Ethiopia - There is a need for Amharic Bibles.
• People desire Bibles, calendars, and other literature in: Malawi, Nigeria, Sicily, the Philippines, and elsewhere.

Additional needs:
• Africa, South America, Caribbean, Far East, USA, Canada


Latest reports:
• USA - Carmel Hills facility has ongoing needs: expanding the Assisted Living unit, help needy residents via the Residents Assistance fund, etc.
• Madagascar - To address illiteracy among the people, the Bible is currently read and recorded with the aim of giving to each family in the assemblies the entire Malagasy Bible on audio. We intend, according to our ability, to offer them a solar-powered radio capable of reading the recorded micro-cards. We also desire to provide these to prisons and to community radios in the provinces, with the aim of distributing the Word as widely as possible.

Prior reports:
• Nigeria - The Lord has made it possible for us to continue with gospel outreach over the radio (FM 87.9), every Lord's Day afternoon in Akute. This program which began on August 1st, 2021 will continue for 15 weeks. We depend on the Lord for its continuity thereafter.
• USA - Message of Grace and Truth Radio broadcast to Arabic speaking listeners incurrs high costs, but the reward is also very great.

Other needs:
• Opportunities to reach sinners over radio waves, via Internet, and by satellite TV are expensive, but quite effective
• Radio broadcasts in various languages

• Philippines - the saints here need financial help for campsite rental, transportation to and from the camp, as well as for medical needs.
• USA - Mountain View Bible Camp is in the process of replacing the old dormitories.
• Nigeria - Antipo Bible camp needs help with financial assistance for campers who travel long distances to attend this camp.
• Guyana - the buildings at Siloam Bible Camp and Carmel Bible Camp require constant repair due to the impact of tropical storms.
• Jamaica - Due to the severely depressed economy of the Caribbean, the saints hesitate to send their children to OceanView Bible Camp as funds are extremely tight.
• Outreach through camp programs is also done in Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Kitts, besides the countries mentioned above.


Latest reports:
• South Sudan - Pray that the meeting hall in Warhouk and the guest house in Alelchok will be completed.
• Uganda - The work at the Bible Center/Camp facility in Busia continues. We thank the Lord for supplying the funds to build the foundation and the concrete floor. May the Lord provide the funds needed for the remaining construction. He is able.
• Uganda - the saints at Busingo need a place to meet. When the weather is bad, they rarely meet together.
• DRC - the construction of meeting halls at Mbuji Mayi and Tshofa has started and will continue only as funds become available.
• Ethiopia - the construction of the Bible Center in Addis Ababa has come to a standstill due to lack of funds, frequent power cuts, and scarcity of building materials.
• Nigeria - the saints at Ifako have enough funds to build the first floor of the new meeting hall and trust the Lord to provide for the second floor.

Prior reports:
• Cameroon - in Mbankomo, 22 miles from Yaounde, the construction of the school and its variouss buildings continues slowly and as the Lord provides the resources. Please pray that it will be possible to welcome the first students in September of 2022.
• Colombia - In La Paila, the saints need financial help in order to purchase and renovate a basic building which they will use as a meeting hall.
• Colombia - In Lerida, the saints need to repay a loan and to make some repairs on an old people's home that was purchased to care for the elderly saints.
• DRC - the construction of Bible camp facilities in Mputu goes on as funds become available.
• Benin - the meeting hall at Zounkpa needs to be expanded because of the great number of young people who attend.
• Congo - meeting hall at Ndjili needs renovation and the hall at Lubao needs to be finished.
• Nigeria - a plot of land has been acquired at Calabar for a future meeting place.
• Kenya - brethren are looking for a building and/or a piece of land for a Christian bookstore and an assembly hall in Mombasa.

Other needs:
• Meeting halls in US, Africa, Caribbean, Middle East, Far East, and other regions.

• DRC - there is a need for bicycles and motorbikes as well as for replacement parts for both modes of transportation.
• Automobiles for various workers on the mission field.

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